Wednesday 2 December 2009

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Sunday 8 November 2009

Friday 16 October 2009

Reader profiles

Reader profiles are used by the media industry to promote their product to potential advertisers. They are also really useful to writers and contributers to assist them in targeting their features to ensure they are of interest to the target audience.

You can often download the information from these magazines that give you loads of info about the target audience but you have to look carefully for it. The info is usually found in the advertisement and/or marketing section and is sometimes labelled 'media pack'

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Questionnaire Results

What type of gengre do you prefer?
Gossip  6
Fashion  7
Futuristic  0
Informative  4
Specialist 3
How much would you be willing to pay?
£1-2  16
£2-3  3
£3+  1

Rarely   1
Monthly   4
Weekly   11
More than once a week 4

How old are you?

Under 16 2
16-24 14
24-35 4
35+ 0


How often do you purchase a magazine?
Rarely   1
Monthly   4
Weekly   11
More than once a week 4

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Magazine Textual Analysis

This magazine is called 'Play-Times,' it is an essential local school family magazine. It states in the top right hand corner that it is £2.
The language of this magazine is very simplistic, there are no hard reading words or high level of grammar used. The word 'essential,' shows connotations of the magazine being well needed for its aimed target audience. Towards the bottom of the magazine there are a few sentences aligned right, the writing being in a bold font. One rhetorical question, where the answer is likely to be answered inside. The website name is also a large focus of the magazine, centered at the bottom. The layout of the 'Play-times,' works well as it is simple and straight forward. The picture in the background is a large close up image of a young girl aged approximately about 4, where she is smiling showing connotations of happiness and elegance. The title is then featured in bold, centered at the top with a large yellow band behind it, which makes it stand out. The colours used are blue, yellow, pink and orange. These being very contrasting together. The photo and the colours engage the audience towards a positive attitude about the   magazine.

Monday 28 September 2009

Focus Group

Anna Lidster- Woolf
Eastwood College
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?..
I enjoy spending time with my friends, having lunch in leigh and of an evening having a few drinks down Bellini's.
Do you consume alot of media throughout the week?
Yes, i love music which is a large consumption of media, always listen to my ipod and i use the internet alot and read magazines.
What articles of a magazine do you prefer?
I prefer reading the gossip and over exaggerated parts in the magazines!

Imogen Leaver
Finshed, works in london full time.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Well now i am finally 18, i love going clubbing and dancing! I also enjoy going to the cinema and watching girly films.
Do you consume alot of media throughout the week?
I dont really watch any television, but i read the newspapers and magazines to and from work and listen to my ipod so quite a lot.
Which articles of a magazine do you prefer?
I love reading the questions and answers from an interview in the magazines!

Lucy Duncan
Seevic College
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy working at Bar Victoria Court of a weekend, and sometimes going out in the evening with my friends- only when i have the money! I also tend to spend a lot of time with my boyfriend.
Do you consume alot of media throughout the week?
I would say not really, only really the radio in the car.
Which articles of magazines do you prefer?
I enjoy reading the real life stories, the more factual side of things rather than the latest gossip with the celebrities!

Yasmin Aworer
King John Sixthform
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
In my spare time i dance, sing and act. I also work part time at Morrisons. But i enjoy spending time with my friends, going to parties and staying in!
Do you consume alot of media throughout the week?
I am constantly listening to my ipod, i love downloading new music and i have the internet on my phone. Apart from that i dont really consume much other media.